“Your Friends Love You the Way You Are.
I Care Too Much to Leave You the Way You Are.”
A Six-month or Year-Long Transformation Program
By anyone’s standards, you’re incredibly successful. You’re respected and have influence not afforded those who’ve avoided the friction of life. Yet, you feel the pull to live your life increasingly by your own personal standards— without apology or compromise in every area of life. It may mean doing better with the little things and it may mean some big changes, but you’re ready. This exclusive program is designed for the (wo)man who is ready to live uncompromised now.
The Uncompromised Coaching Program includes:
- An initial six months or full year together with the express goal of helping you define and develop the habits to live your version of an Uncompromised Life
- A full day together in rural New Hampshire or Boston, Mass to spend connecting, eating great food and developing the foundational relationship to deepen the impact of our work
- A Hogan Profile and professional consult designed to help you leverage your strengths, learn from your challenges, and get us off to a fast start
- Regular one-hour sessions each week – and additional sessions as needed, to support you in making subtle, profound and sustainable/sustained changes
- “Unlimited” text and periodic laser coaching sessions to break old destructive patterns, (re)establish new inspiring ones, and reinforce what’s already working
Ongoing Coaching
This program is individually tailored to give you the support and accountability to transform specific areas of your personal or professional life. From taking the next big professional leap to developing the relationships you’ve longed to experience… If you’re ready to leverage the success you’ve already created or break out of old patterns and live as you’ve always wanted, Integrity might be the perfect program for you.
The Integrity Program features:
- An initial three-hour intensive foundation session
- A Hogan Profile and professional consult designed to help you leverage your strengths, learn from your challenges, and get us off to a fast start
- Three private-coaching sessions (40-55 minutes each) per month
- Support via email as well as text