With just 12 minutes to go in Super Bowl LIV (54), the 49ers, who were up by 10 points, intercepted a pass. They already had the momentum — now their offense had the ball and would presumably score again and put the game out of reach of the Chiefs. At least that’s what the 49ers thought.
In life, we’re always winning the game we’re actually playing. Though we all want to be judged by the best of our intentions, it’s the consistent thoughts we nurture and actions we take that create our results and reveal the game in life we’re really playing — the game that gets us what we really — if unconsciously, want.
The greatest government in history wasn’t a democracy, it wasn’t a republic. It didn’t evolve out of an exotic culture from a remote land. Its history is as ancient as man and has existed — unbroken, ever since. Regardless of our education, we each know this form of government intimately.